"Nanouse": Discussions on software used in nanotechnologyJoin me and others with similar professional inclinations on a Yahoo! Group discussion forum "Nanouse": Description of "Nanouse": Discussions on software used in nanotechnology, commercial and open source. How to use it, examples of programming. Connecting with other users and developers: Synopsys Sentaurus TCAD, Comsol Multiphysics, Nextnano, Nemo5, QuantumEspresso, Archimedes, and more... Discussing physical and engineering modeling problems, sharing code and ideas, etc. At the moment of this writing (summer 2014), group has 52 members, through accross the globe, and also with a broad background range, from students to top professionals in modeling, owners of companies and software developers. Example subjects discussed (random):
To subscribe, send a very short message with a few words about yourself to: nanouse-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. My email: softquake AT gmail.com