Welcome to my Physics World.

My name is Zbigniew Kozioł. I am Polish, Canadian, also almost Russian.

Physics is the main subject of professional activity, resulting in publishing research papers, participation in national and international meetings and conferences, and was rewarded by PhD from Universiteit van Amsterdam, in 1994 (The Netherlands). A Polish version of my CV has more details.

At primary school I won in Physics Olimpic competitions in voivodship of Zamość, Poland. At high school, first I got to finals, and next year I become laureate of Physics Olimpic competition in Poland.

In 1986, after graduation from Warsaw University, I started to work in Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences. From there, in 1990, I went to Amsterdam, to work for 5 years at Van der Waals-Zeeman Laboratorium.

Next, there was Killam memorial postdoctoral fellowship in Canada, at Dalhousie University in Halifax.

After it ended, in 1996 I changed the object of love, to the Internet. I was amazed by the emerging opportunity of the Internet communication that will change the ways we exchange data and information and the way we contact each other. And, what is the most important, I saw right away that the new way of communication will also change the media and societies.

I worked at many companies in Canada, small and large, doing programming, Internet marketing, administering servers, designing computer systems. Also, I did a lot of work as a voluntier and a leader, for the Polish Internet community. Still, the Internet remains my main source of knowledge about politics, history, the society, and not through reading online articles only but more through discussions with others.

Since 2009, I am back to physics. First, I worked in Russia, at a laboratory for micro- and nanoelectronics, at State University — Education-Science-Production Complex in Orel, with my interests concentrated on photonics and computer modeling of electronic devices.

Since 2013 I worked at the Research and Education Centre of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology at Rzeszów University (Poland), where my research work was combined with enjoying lecturing, teaching and mentoring students. My interests there were concentrated on computer modeling (mostly, low-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures, by using, for instance Aestimo, Kwant, Octave open source packages), with involvement also in laboratory experiments (magnetotransport at low temperatures).

In 2016, I joined the group from Materials Research Laboratory, at National Center for Nuclear Research in Otwock-Świerk (near Warsaw). This place is for Polish like Dubna for Russians, Saclay for French, Los Alamos for Americans or Deep River for Canadians. While I participate in maintaing Hot Laboratory there (designing and constructing new research equipment), my main interest is in modelling phenomena that occur during ion or neutron bombardement of matter. We use for that mostly molecular dynamics tools (LAMMPS from Sandia National Laboratories, Monte Carlo McChasy from NCBJ). The work is related to broader project, designing next generation nuclear reactors, searching for new materials with outstanding properties, materials that may even not exist in nature but could be created. My former students were kind to ask for an interview on that (in Polish).

Whenever possible, I use Linux and open source software, LAMMPS, SPPARTA, Elmer, NEMO5, Aestimo, along with commercial software: Comsol Multiphysics, Sentaurus TCAD from Synopsys, Nextnano, etc.

The reason that I do physics is, and always was that it is a chalange that drives us towards understanding our world. I would like to know better about the life around us, mechanisms and laws describing how we function in the society, how we think, and live.

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You are welcome also to join me on LinkedIn.com and on ResearchGate.com.

My email: softquake AT gmail.com